
The Vue Constructor

The Vue constructor is the core of Vue.js. It is a constructor function that allows you to create Vue instances. Creating a Vue instance is straightforward:

var vm = new Vue({ /* options */ })

When you instantiate a Vue instance, you need to pass in an option object which can include information about the DOM element, data object, mixin methods, lifecycle callbacks and more. See the full list of Component Options.

Each Vue instance is essentially a ViewModel (hence the variable name vm you will see throughout the docs). It has an associated DOM element $el, which is roughly the V in MVVM. It also has an associated JavaScript object $data, which corresponds to the M in MVVM. Changing the M results in updates in the V. For two-way bindings, user inputs triggered in the V results in changes in the M. For more details on what properties are available on a Vue instance, check out Instance Properties.

Each Vue instance also has a number of Instance Methods which cover data observation, event communication and DOM manipulation.

The Vue constructor itself also exposes the Global API, which allow you to extend the Vue class, configure global settings and register global custom assets such as components, directives, filters and more.


If you provided the el option at instantiation, the Vue instance will immediately enter the compilation phase. Otherwise, it will wait until vm.$mount() is called before it starts compilation. During the compilation phase, Vue walks through the DOM and collects the directives it runs into, and “links” the data and the DOM with these directives. Once linked, these DOM nodes are now said to be managed by the Vue instance. A DOM node can only be managed by one Vue instance, and should not be compiled more than once.

Data Proxying

Vue instances proxy access to their $data objects, so if you have vm.$data.msg you can also access it as vm.msg. This might look a bit magical, but is totally optional. You can stick to vm.$data.msg for more explicit data access. However it is still important to notice the difference between vm and vm.$data, since the former cannot be observed by other Vue instances as data.

It’s also worth noting that data objects do not necessarily belong to a single Vue instance - multiple ViewModels can observe the same piece of data, whether directly as $data or nested under it. This is useful when multiple components need to react to a shared global state object.

This is the documentation for an older version of Vue.
If you’re looking for the current documentation click here.